Saturday 11 July, 2009

Popularity of your blog

How do you increase the popularity of your blog? Well I am not probably the right person to ask to, but I am the right person to ask you.

It’s been almost a year and a half since I started blogging and barring a couple of unknown visitors (of course who have commented) all were my friends. Well, your blog can act as one of the means to add to your popularity among the acquaintances but also gives you a chance to remain connected with your dear friends. So how do you increase the traffic to your blog. Certainly I am not able to do a good job, not yet.

But before I try to find the solution(s) to the problem I need to first define the problem itself. No, don’t get me wrong, it’s not a consultant’s approach; it’s the only approach I can think of. I seriously need to find what kind of people I want to visit my blog. Whether I want the marketers, philosophers, technical, freelancers, leisure readers or just my friends to come and read my blogs.

Well, one can write a professional blog, let’s say a opinion blog, travel diary, feedback blog on mobile technologies or a critic on films and blah blah blah. Even if I try to write it will be of no use as I have a little idea about these things. So far my blog entries are limited to random thoughts that I have pertaining to certain events that appear in our social or economic life. So the readers’ profile (please let me take the privilege of trying to profile the typical readers who come to my blog, I know the numbers are not in support of this analysis) is very generic with my friends who are pursuing their post graduate studies in technical field to management, some of the my other friends and few (highly valuable) people who have reached to my blog by “Google Search”, isn’t it amazing.

But still there are no clear indications as to what type of people are interested in my posts (yes if someone unknown comments on my blog posts I do go and check out his blogs). Could this be one of the ways to increase the traffic on my blog site, I should also go and comment on peoples’ posts and this would prompt them to come and see my blog. But this would not ensure the return visits………. he he the marketer in me has started speaking….. sounds like return purchase.

So how do you actually improve the popularity of you blog. Say use those terms in your posts that are frequently searched on internet and keep posting using the generally prevalent terms. So if you were to ask me what these terms would be as of today, I will say that IPL, Twenty20, UPA, Obama, LTTE, the terms that you encounter on your daily newspaper. So should one keep writing about the current affairs on a regular basis. Still, this will not solve the problem, this will attract the leisure reader, which unlike in the months of May and June you will not find (find the reason for May and June and you will be surprised).

One other option that seems a little feasible is linking your blog to other bloggers in and around you. Develop a blog network where the bloggers are following your blog and you in turn are doing the same. Google has recently made available such functionality in blogspot where you know who are the people following your blog. Once that list is builds up, you know the people who are interested in your writing and then you can write on interesting topics to suit the audience.

If you really want that only your friends should come and visit your blog the task becomes easy, just write on your personal experiences that you friends can easily associate with.


Kunal Modi said...

Nice post to comment on...
So I was a visitor to this post through a Facebook friend's status update... So this is your new source of visitors... congrats

Somethings I would like to point here regarding the traffic.

1.) Content: If this is not your personal blog, blog about your profession. Post articles about the things you work on, your opinions. Then you can define your audience.

2.) Measure: You need to measure the visits to your blog using some analytics tool. Google analytics is free and good. This way you can monitor your visitors and come to know what kind of posts are generating more traffic.

3.) Get Connected: Try and get your posts linked to popular blogs. This can be done through various ways. For your professional blog posts, you can always get it linked from your company website / college portal. If the content to your posts is interesting, some bloggers website might link it to theirs as a reference. You can proactively link your posts too by commenting on related issues on other blogs.

4.) Patience: Google crawler has a mechanism called page rank, which they use to determine how the page should be ranked for search results. Read about it and optimize your posts accordingly. Be patient with the rankings, the organic search results take some time to develop.

To say the least, the web is gigantic. Weave a small child web(friends web) if you want to but make sure it is connected to the parent web(www)

This comment is purely based on my experience and thoughts.

Jaggernaut said...

Why do you want to increase the popularity of your blog? You might want to try answering that question first. Just a thought :)

Good luck.

Arslan said...

A very marketing-oriented approach to blogging. :|

How about writing what you want to write about, reading other blogs because you like doing it, commenting on those that are interesting, and following the ones that you really like?

Anand Gautam said...

Yeah, same question as Jaggernaut.....why do you want to increase it in the first place? :)

In my opinion, if you are talented enough to have a fan following on the blog, then you should be talented enough to publish your stuff in random columns, and thereby get popularity.

Personally, I write to vent my feelings. I post it so that all the stuff is at one place. So if I make a new friend, or meet an old friend, I just give him the link, and he can read all he wants at leisure :)

I hate not having written for so long a time :( Why can we not do just what we want, instead of doing what others want? :(


eternalmonotony said...

Irrespective of whether you want to increase the traffic or not.. i like the anaytical approach to the problem ;)